Monday, December 7, 2009

Heng Bun Leap's Profile

Heng Bun Leap's Profile

Tokpnek Svamey Srey Longse by SSB is the signature song of Heng Bunleap. While Heng Bunleap plays many movies and sings many songs, this one song had pushed him to the forefront of his entertainment career among many other Cambodian movie stars and singers. He now appears regularly on many TV programs and shows. Most people have known him as an actor not as a singer until recently.

Heng Bunleap was born and raised in Battambang province in a poor family. His widowed mother and him had to work on the rice field to make a living. He went to Kompong Preang Elementary School and then had to leave his single mother behind to stay with his grandmother so he could attend Neth Yong College in Battambang City. He stayed with his grandmother for 5 years until he finished High School. Then, he left his grandmother to live with his God brother in Kean Svay, Phnom Penh to find a better job.

While he was in Kean Svay with his God brother, he made his living by singing for a Khmer traditional music band. He then participated in the Best Boys contest 2001 held by TV Apsara and he got the second place award. He was asked to act in a movie called Tonakam Sne with Keo Srey Neang. He was not happy with his performance in this movie as it was his first time and he knew that he could do better. Afterward, he was invited to act for another movie – Polak Sinavong by Prasath Meas Production as the main character. This was the second movie and it was the best movie he played. After that, he played many other movies such as Veal Srey Sronos, Tokrom Pkarom, Rodov Rongea, etc.

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